This is a half Andalusian half Pinto 14 year gelding. He is used as a trail horse but has a hard time relaxing and just walking. Obviously this becomes obnoxious when trying to ride out with others and can get them all worked up. I have graduated from the Science of Motion course and apply this miracle method to the re education of all horses I train. Some may watch him being schooled and say it is because he is ” locked in the shoulders” This is a good theory as it is what is seen by the naked eye. ” He needs to be ridden very forward pushed up to the bit” This is a theory that fit’s the language of modern Dressage training. Unfortunately, this is the type of simplistic methods that have created damaging effects on this horses behavior, physique, and eventually soundness. You must look at the biomechanics of this horses movement. It is much much more complex than the simplicity approach of modern training methods. This gelding in particular has learned to contract his back muscles making it impossible for longitudinal flexion of the thoracolumbar spine. His physique is that of a rectangle. He holds his neck in a very high position. The contraction of the back muscles has led to a lateral movement in his gaits. This in turn makes it impossible for him to walk for any long amount of time. “Prancing” is a much more comfortable gait for him since his mind cannot retrain the muscles to stop contracting as a defense mechanism for pain or even imbalance. The back needs to be addressed first and foremost. He is a bit like steering an airplane, there is no bend through the body, left or right. Transversal rotation of the spine needs to be educated beginning with a simple shoulder fore. The crossing of the hind leg under and in front of other hind leg at a slow concentrated walk tilts the spine to the inside recreating the muscle memory in the back. This begins to re generate correct muscle movement under the weight of a rider. It is important to also begin teaching straightness as well as flexion of the poll. Introducing and continuing sophisticated gymnastic movements will create the lift and bend needed to ” let go ” of this muscle memory he has created in order to protect himself from training techniques that had damaging effects on his mind and body.
Attempting half halts on a horse with these kinds of problems is difficult. I place pressure on the bit and instead of slowing and re balancing, he pushes on the bit, contracting his back, rushing himself forward. It is important to begin to communicate a dialogue with him. Instead of believing he is ” dead to the aids ” I will teach him the significance of my body nuances ( a subtle difference in feeling, position or muscle ) to ask him to change his as well. It is so rewarding to teach a horse communication through nuances instead of strong aids. The horse becomes so free from the mental shutdown of submission. This creates a communication between horse and rider of balance, lightness, unity and just plain truth. ” Gesture versus Energy ”
” There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse “

start of re education, head high back contracted

poll flexion

start of shoulder fore at walk

lightness, balance, start of longitudinal flexion

relaxed walk on long rein. looking more like a comfortable trail horse