Mark Paradies has a great definition of this title; The most basic cause ( causes ) that can reasonably be identified and that management has control to fix and, when fixed, will prevent ( or significantly reduce the likelihood of ) the problem’s recurrence. This can apply to any situation, I am using this in terms of behavioral problems in horses.
These are just a few of the major behavior / riding problems ….and possible root cause problems. Some horses do have undesirable characteristics, (just like people) and we need to find the correct approach to gain their confidence, trust, and willingness to become an ideal horse.
Spooking = Discomfort, boredom, unconditioned mentally and physically. Improper riding techniques.
One sided = Pain, inverted rotation, unconditioned physically. Improper training/ riding techniques, including no introduction of ambidextrous use in initial training foundation.
Bucking=Discomfort anywhere, including mouth. Improper training/ riding techniques, self defense of situation being asked.
Rearing= Discomfort, ” stuck ” from improper force of head position, making it impossible to move hind legs forward correctly
Bolting= Discomfort causing flight response, horse learning to lean or push on bit causing contraction (stiffening of back muscles ) making it hard to properly slow horse down.
How can we properly fix these horses?
We cannot look at the big picture of the behavior. We need to look at the possible root cause of the problem.
Your horse needs to be healthy and thriving. Feeding good quality hay, providing turnout, fresh water and a good deworming program is a priority. An unhealthy horse cannot completely offer themselves mentally or physically. An exercise program that strengthens and conditions is a benefit for horses of all ages. We do not see walking around the store as exercise compared to a workout at the gym. Developing the horse athletically and correctly provides a horse that loves to be ridden. Just as exercise is an important part of overall health in humans.
Good Veterinarian / Farrier care. Horses need their teeth floated regularly. Even if your horse is at a proper weight and does not drop feed, with all behavior issues, check the teeth first for sharp edges or decay. Healthy, balanced feet is obviously a necessity.
Tack fitting. A horse can only tolerate so much pinching or rubbing, they are not machines and will eventually speak their mind.
4. Proper Knowledge. Example: Your horse has become one sided, will only take one lead and refuses to bend the direction of unwilling lead. If they have become inverted right, the muscles will become built up on left side of spine causing the muscle to brace against rotation to the left. This improper muscle development makes it physically impossible to take the left lead or properly bend left, etc.

If you rush your horse fast forward with it’s nose at knees, you are causing major dysfunction of the back muscles, not strengthening. Working the horse at his natural cadence, with slight flexion of poll, neck relaxed at level of wither promotes correct muscle development. This eventually develops muscle to carry the poll as highest point.

This is important as it lifts the weight of forehand and allows the front legs to propel the horse upwards, engaging and strengthening hind legs for accelerating and decelerating. Long rein breaks are important at all three gaits to invite self carriage, without any force from riders hands.
Maximum output from horse with minimum effort from rider allows the horse to learn in the “moment” reward. The reward is the rider sitting quietly and providing the horse with the comfort they will always seek. Make your training program benefit the horses physique. A healthy fit horse that thrives with appropriate training methods becomes the art of true Horsemanship.

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